A Step Behind Seven Centuries
Tour code: TLL E016,
Duration: 4:30 hours.
Upon arrival at Tall Hermann Tower, leave your coach and walk to Palace Square where you can see the Toompea Castle, nowadays a home for the Estonian Parliament. Across the Palace Square there is Russian Orthodox Church of St. Alexander Nevsky. Afterwards, you will pay a visit to the marvelous 13th century Dome Church. After, you will be treated to a breathtaking vista of the Lower Town with its towers and spires dominating the skyline of the city. Follow your guide down Long or Short Leg Streets to the Lower Town, for independent visit to the Town Hall Square and view the exterior of the gothic Town Hall as well, as one of the Europe’s oldest pharmacies and several medieval guild houses. Follow your guide to the historic Dominican Monastery. The guests are welcomed and given the torches to follow the host through the dark monastery rooms in the light of torches accompanied by medieval music. During the program the host tells about the monastery’s history and architecture, monastic life, lost fortunes and legends related to Dominicans. At the same time the guests can admire the work of local stone masons: carved stone lintels, area stones, fragments of window pillars, etc., made of lime stone, which has proven to be the most popular medium in the architecture of Estonia from times immemorial. A stop is made at the medieval “well of wishes” where monastery liqueur is served. The program is often ended by Gregorian chant in the superb acoustics under the vaults of the cloister.
What’s included: Transfer, Licensed guide, Show.
Location: City centre.
Availability: All year around.